Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Healthy treat: Frozen berries

The day's "healthy eating tip" is a gadget that I have on my home page. Every day, I get some "word to the wise" about healthier ways to eat. "Smaller portions" seems to crop up a lot (thanks, Mayo Clinic, I had no clue). Here's today's tip:
Fresh berries are kind to the waistline; they are naturally high in water and low in calories. Dried berries also provide excellent nutrition, but since most of the water is missing, their calories are more concentrated and you'll usually wind up eating more of them.
Aside from the annoying italics, which were in the tip when I cut and pasted and which seem to spread like a virus, the tip seems useful. Berries generally the lowest carb counts among fruits, but I keep seeing high counts for the dried versions. While the dried fruit is easier to keep and, sometimes, to eat, I keep going back to the fresh (or frozen) version to help my blood sugar.

Here's one of my favorite treats:
  • One half cup or so of frozen mixed berries
  • One fourth cup or so of heavy whipping cream
The cream freezes around the berries when you pour it over them. I used to have frozen blueberries and cream for breakfast. Now I like mixed berries as a treat. As an added bonus to the low carb goodness, you are forced to eat the dish slowly because the berries are frozen. Let them melt in your mouth so you can enjoy both taste and feel.

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