Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, it's time for our New Year's Resolutions, isn't it? If we do as many of us have done in the past, we are just setting ourselves up for failure by trying to make too many changes too quickly and too grandly. Better we should make fewer resolutions and make them more manageable, perhaps even measurable.

I'm thinking that I need to lose weight. Of course, I've been needing that forever, but I'm getting more and more worried about the consequences of carrying all of this extra weight around one my aching feet and knees (so far so good on the hip joints!). So I need to set a weight loss goal that in the next 365 days I will lose X pounds. If I keep with the recommended pace for healthy weight loss, I would shoot for 1 pound per week, or a total of 52 pounds in the coming year. That seems like a lot to me (even though I know that it is only a part of the weight I need to lose). I think it will be hard to do. Thinking that, I could just simply wander away from the goal.

So I am setting an arbitrary goal for my New Year's Resolution: 20 pounds. Anyone can do that, even me!

Setting a goal is, however, not enough. I have to have a plan for reaching it. The only plan that works is: eat less, do more. I need to cut more carbs from my diet and do more walking. Since walking hurts, that last part will be a challenge, but I have to try. Even once around the block once a week will be more than I have done. And cutting carbs will involve actually counting them in the first place, i.e., having a carb budget.

Twenty pounds might turn into 52 later on, but making the changes needed to lose those 20 will certainly be hard enough. Let's hope I'm up to the challenge.

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