Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chill the fat to skim it

The Mayo Clinic offers this healthy eating tip:
Cook meat in advance. Make soups, stews and other dishes in which you boil the meat in liquid a day or two in advance and then refrigerate it. As the dish chills, the fat hardens on the top and you can easily remove the fat.

We all knew this, of course.  There's no way, once we've seen that chilled layer of fat on top of yesterday's roast that we want to break off a chunk and eat it.  When it's liquid and blended in with the stew, we enjoy the flavor.  Animal fat is not, however, the healthiest of flavors, so the cook-in-advance strategy may be a good way to cut fat (and fat calories) in our diet.


Anonymous said...

This is good to know because we all LOVE that fat

Big Kid Cousin

cwr said...

Yabbut, this is the first time I've ever heard of anyone suggesting this strategy BEFORE serving the meat. I know we peel off that layer of yuck for leftovers, but until we see it, it's kinda, like, y'know, TASTE.

OTOH, Food Detective says to blot excess oil off of your pizza and save yourself from gaining a pound a year. As if that would be noticeable for some of us.