I think there is some superstition or tradition hanging out there that tells me that the house needs to be cleaned before the new year begins, or else I will have bad luck Oh noes!
I never can get the house cleaned before the new year. Eeek!
I don't actually believe not having the house cleaned by New Year's Day will bring me actual bad luck, but I do manage to feel somewhat guilty and a bit of a failure when New Year's Day rolls around and I can still see dust bunnies frolicking in the corners. Oh, heck, let's be honest: They play soccer in the middle of the room. You wouldn't believe all the racket they make when one of them scores.
Perhaps that's why January always brings the urge to do some spring cleaning (Spring itself never does that to me, so I have to wonder why this urge hits in January). This January is no different. I've been working (in my own slow pokey way) to get the Christmas decorations put away and . . . here's the food point at long last . . . to get the kitchen here at Mama's house somewhat better organized.
I went through this process soon after I started staying with Mama full time. Over time, I managed to get through most of the kitchen, clearing out some of the clutter and making room for better food supplies. As time has passed, more clutter has accumulated and the food supply issue has changed from convenience and hurricane preparedness to better taste and nutrition.
Accommodating this change will no doubt take some time. Still, it needs to be done. Aren't you glad to be sharing all the details of the really fun time I'll be having cleaning Mama's kitchen? Thought so.
I have the spring fever, don't want to do anything. I need to find a way to clear out my bedroom. Since I moved from 2 bedroom apt to a 1 bedroom it is hard to fit stuff in bedroom. Maybe u can give me suggestions.
Big Kid Cousin
Hmm, that sounds like I need to come over and have an opinion (I have an opinion on everything!). LOL!
One possibility is to thin out what you have a lot of. We are thinning out books and clothes (among other things). Except for things like milk and eggs, I'm trying to avoid the grocery store until I get the pantry thinned down. That's easier said than done, but it's a start that has to be made (around here anyway).
Good luck!
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