Saturday, September 26, 2009

What day of the month is this?

That's a sample of recent conversations with Mama, and that particular quote represents progress. She's had a tough time of it in the past few months when she didn't know what day it was nor care. It has--as you can tell by the long gap in posts here--also been quite hectic for me. Today she actually looked at a calendar and tried to figure out the date. This places us as close to normal as we've been in a long time.

I have myself been finding more and more time to think, including thinking about food and this blog. I'm taking a risk by trying to post again, but let's see how far we can get. I certainly have lots of thoughts to key in.

If we have stability and time for a while, here are some of the thoughts that have been occupying my mind lately: fiber, peristalsis (that's as polite as I can make it), weight loss, more cup towel, slow cookers, old kitchen tools, and more. Wish me luck!

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