Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pot scrubbers

While I'm thinking about washing dishes (not), I may as well talk about my favorite dish scrubber. It's hand crocheted from some sort of stiff plastic thread (maybe this?). It can scrub dishes, pots, stoves, and apparently even skin.

I got my first one by inheriting it from My Prince's late mother (#1MIL). I got a used one and a new one. I used them until they were falling apart. In the meantime, I looked and looked in stores, hoping to find one. No joy. Then it occurred to me that #2MIL lived in an area where she might have access to crafty items.

Indeed, she did! And, dear woman, she went right to the drawer where she had several of these little jewels stored. I got two and have treasured them ever since. This year, I got two more for Christmas.

As pot scrubbers go, these are the cat's pajamas. They are effective but also non-abrasive. I'm thinking that even I know enough about crocheting to make a circle. Now I just have to run across the right thread and go for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They sound good, I hope you find where we can get the materials to make them.
I know I could make them, because I used to make rugs in the same pattern.

Big Kid Cousin